Cayley’s Max and Ruby party

Yesterday was Cayley’s 3-year old birthday party.  Since she loves Max and Ruby, we wanted to make that the party theme.  Thankfully I started planning this over a month ago because there are no licenced Max and Ruby party supplies.  So, I had to get creative and come up with my own ideas.  So … I started with these websites that I found:
A blog from someone else who did a Max and Ruby party, the author (Rosemary Wells) website, and Nick, Jr.

So, I worked on printing out coloring activities for the tables, printing out most of the “bunny party” ideas from the authors website, bought a homemade Max and Ruby pinata from ebay (super cute), made lilypads and a grass poster for to decorate the bathtub for one of the games, printed out stickers, ordered mostly solid colored plates/cups, books and windup toys for party favors, etc…

So here was my party schedule:

11am – Kids arrive — color on tables and eat lunch
11:30 – Ring toss game/Pin the tail on Max
11:45 – Watch Max and Ruby – cake episode (momma hides frogs)
12:00 – Game – Find Max’s frogs and put them back into the pond
12:15 – Pinata
12:30 – Sing Happy Birthday and Cake

Now I will just let you follow along with the party pictures.  Let me know if you want to learn more about something!

Setting up:

The spread:
The cakes:
Max’s cake
Ruby’s cake
The guests arrive:
Games – part 1 (ring toss and pin the tail on Max):
Watching a Max and Ruby episode:
Game – part 2 (find Max’s frogs hidden in the living room and return to the pond):
Party favors (minus the candy necklace… didn’t get the pic quick enough):
Happy Birthday Cayley!!!

craft project for a birthday party game!

So, today we started one project to decorate for a game  at the upcoming Max and Ruby birthday party for Cayley.  We are making lily pads to float in the bathtub (I will show you why after the party).  They are so cute and super simple to make!

Here is what you’ll need:
*Foam cups
*Foam plates
*Green permanent marker
*Yellow pom poms

Cut the bottom off so it is about 1″ to 1 1/2″ tall

cut out triangles and flare the tips slightly

Cut a heart shape out of the foam plate and color it green with the permanent marker. 

Staple the lily in the center to the green shape. 

Glue on the yellow pom pom to cover the staple and….
